Lynx from BRP
The Lynx family is growing in the United States

These snowmobiles with a hardcore following across Europe are characterized by the most hardcore of riders: those who start the ride at sunup and don't come back till dusk, and ride the backcountry in search of deep snow and ever increasing elevation.
BRP brought Lynx to the United States for the first time in 2021, but after two years of high-demand, the only way to purchase a new 2024 XTerrain, Shredder, or Rave in 2023 is still to preorder during the Snow Check period of February 20th to March 31, 2023. Again: if you want the hottest new sled to hit the US for this coming winter, your only option is to preorder during this limited window.
Experience the Radien² deep snow platform that sledders find a pleasure to ride, across all three available models. Go in search of Sisu on a Lynx.